Fixing the little things

There have been a kazillion things that have been added off the 'to do' list for the trailer... who would have thought something so small could cause so much work?! I've been shopping and reading and tweaking, yet somehow I feel like I've gotten nothing done.

I started by checking out the furnace (or do you call it a heater in a trailer?). I know this works because the previous owner lit it when we checked out the trailer to buy it. I should have paid more attention to how he lit it.

Of course, there were instructions but they were well hidden behind a part of the heater controls. The heater controls that I have no idea what they do... is there an "instant shooting flames" button I shouldn't push?

I poked around a bit more until I found the screw holding the instruction label in place (I didn't push the "insta-explode" button nor the "heater-will-never-work-again" button)  and then I managed to extract it from the side of the heater - would I ever get it back in? I decided to take a picture in case I ever want to know what it says again... there's no way I'm re-visiting this tiny space when I don't know how to operate the heater!

That experience made me realize that I need to keep a 'users guide' which has the instructions for the devices in the trailer. This photo of the instructions will certainly be in there!

I got the flame lit, everything looked great, blue flame just as it should be according to this YouTube video posted by Kevin Johnston

With so many things to do, I decided to make a prioritized list and put it somewhere I'll look often. I put each task on a sticky-note and then stuck them all to the back of the pantry door (I'm sure to go there often, all the snacks are in there!) Now I have a place to go and select what I'm working on next. So far, it seems like the number of sticky-notes is only increasing!

I haven't even started to fix up the inside yet - though I am getting great ideas from blogs and forums... this blog from domestic imperfection was great for ideas on how to spruce up the inside!! Can't wait for that part!! In the meantime, sanding is the flavour of the day.

And now, off I go to tackle the next thing... but first, let me go to the pantry for some snacks :)


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